
At what point was this a good idea?

Riding home from the Cape on Sunday, I was back in the South Shore Plaza area, and making great time. Unbelievably, there was no traffic at the Sagamore Bridge. None.

As I was driving through the 3/93 Split in Braintree, I pulled in behind a boat being pulled by a pickup truck. This is a normal sight this time of year. No big deal. It almost blended into the surroundings, until I realized something didn't seem quite right. I didn't have to look closely, but I did have to stare to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing.

Sticking out of the boat, were two couches, or two pieces of one sectional couch. I wish I had my camera. It was a big couch set and it was sticking out of the boat. It, and its cushions, were tied down of course, but it didn't look like the load could handle 70 mph wind speeds much longer. Something was going to fly away.

The boat trailer and the truck were both registered in New Hampshire. Now I know their way of thinking up there is a little different, but I didn't think it was different enough to think this was OK. Then I wondered, "How many Bud Lights does it take for this to seem like a good idea?"

"Hey, Stan, can you give me a hand? I need to bring a couch from the South Shore to New Hampshire."

"Sure, Dan. Oh, wait, the bed of my truck is full of boat stuff, and I'm bringing my boat home. Let's go that bar we saw and watch the Red Sox. We'll have a couple beers and some nachos and figure out a way."

By about the sixth inning it hits them.

"Hey, Stan, I have an idea. Let's put the couch in your boat."

"Whoa! I don't know. I don't think it'll handle the salt spray too good."

"No, dumbass. We can put the couch into the boat, tie it down and take it to my house."

"That is a great idea, Dan!" They seal it with a clink of the necks of their Bud Lights, and the next afternoon they loaded up the two sections of couch and moved to Beverly, Hills that is. Oh wait. Wrong story.

I should add that either the trailer lights weren't working, or didn't work. Or the driver simply didn't see the need to use a directional. After the highway picked up the two lanes coming in from the Distressway, he just started moving right without advanced warning. People got the picture, though, including the person in line with the boat and trailer in the lane he was drifting into.


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