
Who the hell is Edmund L. Kennedy?

OK, I can understand that boston.com is run by a lot of non-native Bostonians, so while irksome, I can overlook the occasional miscue. Recently, I just shook my head when I saw a cutline on the front page referring to the Boston Commons. Anyone who is FROM Boston knows there is only one Common.

Tonight's F-up is inexcusable.

Under a breaking news banner, the site quoted the state's senior Senator Emund L. Kennedy from a post-election rally.

I copied the gaffe and I paste it here.

At a gubernatorial victory rally for Deval L. Patrick, Senator Edmund L. Kennedy said "victory's in the air, gang, victory's in the air.'' --Developing
A Google search for Senator Kennedy would have yielded the correct name.

It was corrected a moment later when I refreshed.

On another note, congratulations to Deval Patrick and Massachusetts. While it is significant that the state has chosen its first African American governor, it shouldn't be the only story of this election. I had the occasion to meet and pointedly question both Governor-elect Patrick early in his campaign and Lt. Gov. Kerry Healy during her last campaign in 2002. I had the impression that Patrick was the better prepared of the two for the job of governing.

On the off chance I move back to Massachusetts, I know I would return to a state in good hands.


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